“Ugh….I don’t math” is the exact feeling that many people have when it comes to finances. For some, it is less about the adding and subtracting and more about not understanding how to budget, where to find resources, or just feeling the stress when the money that they worked hard for seemingly disappears. Can you relate?

April is National Financial Literacy Month and we are jumping onboard with the celebration…rather education. Last winter we put out a survey to discuss the areas where we can help more. An overwhelming response came in that budgeting is a need and the preferred method of this education was one-on-one.

With that in mind, we decided that as we put together this new program, we can still serve the community by providing you with the information and resources to act as a guideline for starting a budget. Each week we will be putting out a video as part of this budgeting series where you can learn about income, expenses, tips for saving money, and how you can start saving.

We are excited about this program and we hope that as it is developed in partnership with several other organization, you will find value. Keep an eye out for our first video in this budgeting series.